Lisa Ruttan Wolff

Spirit of Stone Workshop
Oakridge, OR

Huckleberry Garden in Oakridge, OR - July 26 - 29, 2018


This is a 20-studio hour stone sculpting workshop that is intended to produce finished, individually designed, soap stone sculptures.

No previous experience is necessary. New and experienced sculptors will find an opportunity to considerably heighten their skill level and insight.                                     


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• Expand into a classic 3D art form
• Experience the Spirit of Stone as a creative partner
• Inspire other creative venues (great for working through "writer's block")
• Meditative, intentional creative experience
• Create a stone sculpture reference to hold your intention
• Enjoy a supportive learning community



 This schedule yields our ideal 20 hours of studio time, plus time in nature, to enjoy our deepened connection with the spirit of stone!

         •        9am - We gather to start our day

         •        15 minutes - for a centering spirit based practice/ritual to start the day

and get the creative juices going 

         •        Instruction and stone carving until 12:30

         •        12:30 pm - Break for lunch

         •        Free individual time until 5 pm to hike, swim, explore, shop, or nap

And of course the studio space will be open for those who want to carve more

         •        5 pm - Return to Workshop and carve until 7:00pm

         •        7 pm - End of the day: opportunity for dinner and communing


This schedule will allow us 5.5 hours of workshop each of the first three days. Ending the workshop at 12:30 on Sunday gives us a shorter day, allowing people to travel if needed.



Location and lodging

The Workshop will be held at the home of Henry DeGrazia, “Huckleberry Garden” located at 49758 Huckleberry Road Oakridge, OR 97419. Henry has offered his beautiful 5 acres of “sustainable living” garden property for camping to those of us who would like to camp. Oakridge is just 6 miles downhill from our workshop with other lodging options.

other lodging options 

Westfir Lodge
Oakridge Lodge & Guest House
Double Diamond Lodge Bed and Breakfast

Food is fun!

Maybe we will choose to take turns co-creating meals.Maybe we will choose to go out together for lunch or dinner. There is a great English Pub in Oakridge. 

WHAT'S Available to you

Learn Stone Sculpting skills and techniques as an artistic and spiritual process. Each participant will personally design and complete a hand-held, intimate sculpture made of soapstone. Instruction will include all steps of the carving process from beginning to end. All tools and materials will be provided. Also, information will be provided to encourage and enable participants to continue to create stone sculptures on their own.   

Tuition : $350

Tuition covers the materials fee which includes carving stone, all other carving materials, the use of tools, and the studio space. It does not include meals or lodging.


sign up for the clasS

1. Call or email me (Lisa)

Phone: 865-803-8695

2. Purchase the class

Or mail your check to:

Lisa Ruttan Wolff  
P.O. Box 554
 Norris, TN 37828